University of Bergen Library

Seminar: Re-Awakening Toponymy (eng.)

The seminar 'Re-Awakening Toponymy' explores how we get to a better conceptualisation of spatiality and human responses to their environments in official naming from Australian and Norwegian perspectives.

Australian landscape
View of an Australian landscape
RawPixel.com, CC-0

Main content

Susan Birtles: Conversations in place naming - an Australian perspective In this presentation Susan will describe historical and contemporary influences on Australian place names, with a particular focus on the treatment and re-awakening of Indigenous languages. She'll share her observations on common toponymic principles that are increasingly challenged by these evolving cultures, technologies, and social expectations, then lead us in a discussion of concepts that lend themselves to further research focus.

Peder Gammeltoft: Finding your place - how to make place-name data digitally avilable The Language Collections at the Univerisity of Bergen has recently launched their new place-name portal (Stadnamnportalen). The portal is a one-stop station for accessing information about place-names, their sources, pronunciation, meaning and location. The place-name portal will make documentation readily available for administrative and research purposes alike.

The seminar is free and open to all.