With which language do you research?
How are you and your research affected by the fact that you learn and publish in a language other than your mother tongue? Can choices you make about language influence your career? We invite to a conversation about academic language and career development.

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All subject areas have their specific lingua with particular words and expressions - terminology. Understanding and using the correct terminology is important in your education, your interaction with the professional environment, and disseminating your research results.
But what does it mean to use good academic language, and how do you learn it? And with the rapid development of language models and tools for translation - does it really matter what you choose? What about when your topic, or your competence, is to be put into practice in your working life - how may choices about language affect your possible career paths?
Marita Kristiansen, head of Senter for norsk fagspråk at UiB and Termportalen, invites Åse Wetås, head of Språkrådet, and Ann-Kristin Helland Gujord, professor of Norwegian as a second language, to a conversation about academic language in research, dissemination and career. Maria-Carme Torras-Calvo, director of the University Library, will introduce the session. Through the conversation, we wish to bring new perspectives into the debate about language in Norwegian research and higher education.
We would also like to invite young researchers to bring forth their viewpoints and experiences. The conversation will be mainly in Norwegian, but there will be opportunities for multilingual participation using digital tools.
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