The Department of Biomedicine

News archive for The Department of Biomedicine

This years’ recruitment scholarship from Bergen Research Foundation (BFS) was awarded to Nils Halberg.
PhD-candidate Olivier Keunen will defend his thesis “Hyperpolarized metabolic imaging - theoretical basis and promise within clinical glioma management”
We are thrilled to invite you to our ”Bioinformatics for Proteomics”-course to be held in beautiful Bergen April 21th – 24th at the Proteomics Unit at the University of Bergen (PROBE).
Yifan Zhou has won the prize for “Best Poster” at the 2014 Scandinavian Physiological Society Annual Meeting
Two colleagues have recently published popular science articles in Aftenposten and both of them have imaging as their main approach in their science.
3.3 million over 3 years awarded to Dr. Oleksii Nikolaienko for research on Translational Neuropsychiatry
MIC is happy to announce the seminar "Super Resolution Microscopy - Principles and Applications", 9th of September 2014, 13:00-14:00 (Aud4, BBB).
Joining nano-medical researchers in Bergen
The weather and the beautiful surroundings set a perfect frame to the gathering. National and international professionals gave exciting and future oriented talks.
The Meltzer Research Fund Awards were announced on 7 March, for excellence in research and for young researchers. This year there was also time for the honorary award for excellence in research, which was awarded to Professor Kenneth Hugdahl.
We are thrilled to invite you to our ”Bioinformatics for Proteomics”-course to be held in beautiful Bergen May 12th – 15th at the Proteomics Unit at the University of Bergen (PROBE).
We are happy to announce a basic course/workshop in imaging and analysis of subcellular structures 7th to 9th of April 2014. Guest speakers are Werner Koopman and Peter Willems from Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands. The course is supporteed by MedIm.
PhD candidate Helene J. Bustad from Biorecognition won the poster prize at this year's NBS Contact Meeting at Røros.
MIC is happy to announce the 10th course in confocal microscopy 4th -7th of March 2014. Registration is now open and we encourage you to register as soon as possible as it tends to fill up quickly, deadline 10th of February. Max 18 participants.
