The Department of Biomedicine

News archive for The Department of Biomedicine

The Biorecognition group at the Department of Biomedicine represents one of the four nodes in the new NOR-Openscreen infrastructure. The infrastructure will support the discovery of biologically active substances in all areas of the Life Sciences by providing transnational, open access to the most advanced technologies, chemical and biological resources as well as expertise through Europe.
A network seminar series to promote collaboration between Nordic countries in biological and medical imaging. 1st seminar in Turku 13th-14th of August 2015.
Professor Rolf Bjerkvig is awarded the King Olav V Cancer Research Award for 2015.
Prof Aurora Martinez, Department of Biomedicine, provided delegates with an update on the search for new and better chaperone candidates, at the 2014 Annual Multidisciplinary European PKU Symposium.
MIC is happy to announce the 11th course in confocal microscopy 14th -17th of April 2015. Registration is now open and we encourage you to register as soon as possible as it tends to fill up quickly, deadline 20th of March. Max. 18 participants.
MIC is happy to announce our first course in Multimodal Imaging of small animals 16.-22. March 2015, covering theoretical and practical aspects of MRI, PET/CT, Optical Imaging and Ultra Sound. Registration is now open and we are limited to 12 participants.
This years’ recruitment scholarship from Bergen Research Foundation (BFS) was awarded to Nils Halberg.
PhD-candidate Olivier Keunen will defend his thesis “Hyperpolarized metabolic imaging - theoretical basis and promise within clinical glioma management”
We are thrilled to invite you to our ”Bioinformatics for Proteomics”-course to be held in beautiful Bergen April 21th – 24th at the Proteomics Unit at the University of Bergen (PROBE).
Yifan Zhou has won the prize for “Best Poster” at the 2014 Scandinavian Physiological Society Annual Meeting
Two colleagues have recently published popular science articles in Aftenposten and both of them have imaging as their main approach in their science.
3.3 million over 3 years awarded to Dr. Oleksii Nikolaienko for research on Translational Neuropsychiatry
MIC is happy to announce the seminar "Super Resolution Microscopy - Principles and Applications", 9th of September 2014, 13:00-14:00 (Aud4, BBB).
