UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers
Career Days 2025

How to make the most of the postdoc and navigate your career

Life after Ph.D. and postdoc might feel like an abyss. This workshop will highlight your skills and motivations for further career development. The after-life will not be as scary as before. NB! Only 25 seats!

Front page with text "Career Days 2025 April 8-10"
Mathilde Ninette

Main content

Postdocs and Career Development - “How to make the most of the postdoc and navigate your career

Monika Janfelt is a highly experienced coach and strategic advisor and has worked with universities, researchers and leaders in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland as well as with private clients. She helps professionals to find direction in their work life so they can take their careers in the direction that is right for them. 

She has held positions as a researcher at Åbo Akademi University and associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark. Now she does courses and workshops on career issues and strategy for ph.d.-students, postdocs and professors, as well as individual coaching. Her many years of work in the Nordic countries – both as researcher and consultant – have given her a deep understanding of the research and academic sector.  She has written prolifically over the years: books, articles and reports, as well as contributions for anthologies and encyclopaedias. Her latest publication is You and your PhD - essential career advice for doctoral students.
