UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers
Career days 2025

Proposal reading sessions for early stage researchers - day 3 of 3

Apply for grants, they say. Get funding and stay in academia, they say. But what does a grant application even look like? During the Ferd Career Days we provide you with the opportunity to read proposals by UiB grant winners.

Open books and a cup of coffee
Thought Catalog on Unsplash.com

Main content

In these low key sessions some of our UiB grant holders have generously shared their funding applications, so that you can familiarize yourself with the proposal genre and the differences between some of the grants that target early career scientists. Some sessions will have introductions by former grant winners at UiB, but first and foremost this is a chance to sit down in peace and quiet to skim through different types of funding proposals, under the following conditions:

  • You may not make copies or photograph any proposal or it's content
  • You may not take any proposals out of the assigned room
  • You may take notes in a notebook or an electronic device (i.e. laptop, mac)

Pre-registration is required: https://forms.office.com/e/WuTtEWZDfW (the same registration form applies for all sessions on 8 to10 April).

We offer multiple proposal reading sessions across the campus. The same proposals are available in all sessions. Due to limited seating, please select the session that fits your schedule best. Places will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. If none of the options mentioned below are suitable for you, or you simply would like to read more proposals, we will also offer a drop-in session on 10 April between 13.30 and 15.30 (Nygårdsgaten 5, Nordre Allmenning 3).

8 April

  • 12.00-13.30, Nygårdsgaten 5, Søndre Allmenning 1. Introduction by researcher and grant winner Bergithe Oftedal at the Faculty of Medicine. 
  • 14.00-15.30, Nygårdsgaten 5, Søndre Allmenning 1. Introduction by Pierre Bigot, MSCA postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Humanities.

9 April

10 April

  • 10.30-12.00, Nygårdsgaten 5, Nordre Allmenning 3.
  • 13.30-13.30, Nygårdsgaten 5, Nordre Allmenning 3. Drop-In session, no pre-registration required.

Preparations (recommended)

If you would like to prepare for the reading sessions, we recommend the e-course Navigating the Research Funding Landscape, developed by Corina Guder at the Division of Research and Innovation at UiB.  

Take the course on My UiB: https://mitt.uib.no/enroll/63BXPX

Whether you are looking for seed funding, travel grants, fellowships or mobility-stipends, this course gives an overview with helpful filtering options to help you find suitable grants for your career stage and ambitions. The course also offers insight on how to build a fundinging strategy for a career in academia.