Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

Thomas Piketty's bestseller about capitalism made it clear to Yvette Peters what her next research project would focus on: political inequality.
Research-based knowledge about society should be the focal point when addressing the major societal challenges in a turbulent era. The EU’s next research programme needs to take on these challenges.
Kristine Jørgensen has been appointed professor at the University of Bergen. She is Norway’s first woman to become a professor focusing on computer game studies.
In her new project, social anthropologist Anna Szolucha wants to look at citizen engagement in climate and energy transformation. In particular, she asks: how do you involve people from the bottom and up?
In August, six new and innovative media study programmes are launched in Media City Bergen. Academic Director Ole J. Mjøs looks forward to welcoming new media students to Bergen.
Siddharth Sareen started his position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow this week. He will work on energy sector governance, with a focus on solar energy transitions in Southern Europe.
UiB political scientist finds diversity in state austerity responses
The distuingished American sociologist Arthur L. Stinchcombe has been appointed a honorary doctor at the University of Bergen.
Read the latest field report from the Energethics-project. Synnøve Bendixsen has been to Iraqi Kurdistan exploring how DNO operates and the local communities’ expectations of oil investments.
Comparative politics scholars analyze 15 years of major publications.
Comparative politics scholar Johanna Söderström makes a surprising discovery as part of a research project on peacebuilding.
For the second consecutive year, the anthropology environment at the University of Bergen is in the QS by Subject top 100.
Hallvard Moe was the only media researcher in Norway’s media diversity committee, which submitted its report to the Minister of Culture on 07 March 2017.
Jessica Jewell's project "Analyzing past and future energy industry contractions: Towards a better understanding of the flip-side of energy transitions" recently received funding through the Research Council of Norway's Programme of Climate Research (KLIMAFORSK). The project will run from 2017-2020.
Bringing together scientists and practitioners with common interest on energy, and to support new approaches to energy questions is at the core of the new Energy Anthropology Network that was launched at University of Bergen in March.
New work by Michaël Tatham and Yvette Peters at the Department of Comparative Politics grapples with European changes.
With support from the Research Council of Norway, the graphics company Vizrt and the University of Bergen are developing a world-leading tool for online video editing.
The mobile phone has become the journalist's primary tool. New technologies are being integrated in the journalism and new media studies at the University of Bergen.
