Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

In his new book, Professor Michaël Tatham explores how states and their sub-state regions cooperate (and sometimes clash) in the EU
One of the world’s leading judicial scholars has joined the University of Bergen as a visiting professor.
Marks and Hooghe built their lecture on Rokkan’s profound analysis of peripheral community. They discussed how distance, difference and dependence of territorial communities endure within a state.
- Understanding Representational and Policy-Making Challenges in Multi-Jurisdictional Polities.
Elin Monstad and Aaron Spitzer are newly appointed PhD candidates at the Department of Comparative Politics.
Local indigenous groups in Alberta, Canada embrace change as a survival strategy in the oil sands areas characterized by instability and uncertainty in the wake of the economic recession and devastating natural disasters.
The latest edition of the Journal Civil Wars is a special issue edited by Gyda Marås Sindre and Johanna Söderström.
Associate Professor Bjørn Enge Bertelsen published a new book.
In August two new PhD-students started working at SpaceLab: Jakob Grandin and Kristin Edith Abrahamsen Kjærås.
Professor Stein Kuhnle is among the chief editors of the China National Human Development Report 2016: Social Innovation for Inclusive Human Development.
On Friday August 19th, the stage was set for "fagdag" at the Department of Comparative Politics, as part of semester start week.
Yvette Peters is trying to strengthen democracy by studying political inequality and representation. She likes the idea that her work is relevant.
The Green Economy Network with the editors Andrew Jones, Patrik Ström, Brita Hermelin and Grete Rusten launches an international book about role of services in the Greening of the Economy.
Post doctor Teije Hidde Donker says his research and course is about a “hot topic” that also relates to the debate on terrorism and the threat of radicalism in Europe and Norway.
The Master Ceremony 2016 hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences was held on Friday June 10th.
Jonas Linde, Professor at the Department of Comparative Politics, has together with Stefan Dahlberg published two new articles.
Kjetil G. Lundberg (UniReseach Rokkan Centre) og Liv Johanne Syltevik (Department of sociology) have published an article on everyday interaction in the front line of the Norwegian welfare state in Journal of Organizational Ethnography.
