Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

Vegard Jarness has recently published the article “Viewpoints and Points of View: Situating Symbolic Boundary Drawing in Social Space” in the journal European Societies.
‘Saktuelt’ provides a forum for political scientists to grapple with topics in the news.
The economist Katrine Vellesen Løken has been awarded the prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council.
Maurizio Ferrera tackles EU integration in annual Rokkan Lecture.
Associate Professor Iselin Åsedotter Strønen's new monograph "Grassroots Politics and Oil Culture. The Revolutionary Petro-State" offers an in-depth understanding of grassroots struggles, state transformations and social change during the Chávez-years in Venezuela.
Centre for climate and energy transition is moving into new offices in the 6th floor of the Faculty of Social Sciences
The University of Bergen has now announced a new position as Energy Director, where an overall responsibility for managing the interdisciplinary focus area on climate and energy conversion will be the candidate's main task.
Members of the Egalitarianism Project gathered at the Barony of Rosendal in Hardanger, 21.-24. August.
American legal experts and Bergen scholars share perspectives on court structures, practices and trends.
Professor Marit Skivenes has received 10 million Norwegian kroner from the Research Council of Norway for her research on child care. The new grant is part of her new research centre, which will bring together world-class researchers in the field of law, child protection and children's rights.
On Monday 21 August, the fourth Bergen Exchanges conference opened with a special focus on legislation as a catalyst for social change regarding gender and sexuality.
Professor Bjørn Enge Bertelsen's research revolves around how political, social and cultural orders are expressed in changing cities. Read more about his project here.
Sait Matty Jaw, who completed his master’s degree this year, held the Student Graduation Speech for an assembly of academic and administrative staff in the University Hall. He currently works as an administrative officer at the University of Gambia, and engages in social activism focusing on human rights and gender equality. Below is a transcript of his speech.
Twenty-one students plus five instructors from the National University of Kyiv-Mohlya Academy and Ivan Franco National University of Lviv studied system dynamics in Bergen during the 2016-17 academic year.
Georg Picot has long done research on temporary employment. For his next project he wants to study low-wage employment and how the state influences wages.
Wondering which courses to choose this autumn? Here is an overview over elective courses at the 200-level at the Department of Comparative Politics. The courses are open for all students at the University of Bergen and taught in English.
PhD Candidate Maria Dyveke Styve has co-edited a newly released e-book that explores the relevance of dependency theory today. Read more and access the e-book here.
This new book, edited by professor Tor Halfdan Aase and published at Oxford University Press, asks to what extent Himalayan farmers and their institutions are prepared to face a future when external production conditions change.
