Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

New this year is the "Sampol Cinema", film viewings for students and staff at Department of Comparative Politics.
Professor II Deborah Braütigam has published an article in the rescent issue of Journal of International Development
Tore Eikeland, the leader of AUF Hordaland and student at the Department of Comparative Politics, died in the tragedy at Utøya on July 22nd.
In a new op-ed article in Global Dialogue, the newsletter of the International Sociological Association, Alf Nilsen comments on the suspension of Rod Thornton, lecturer at the University of Nottingham.
Everyone at the Department of Comparative Politics (sampol) are looking forward to the start of the semester and, not least, meeting all the new students in August! This year, the new students of comparative politics are wished welcome with a brand new programme for the kick-off week.
The Department of Comparative Politics is proud to present our new Professor II for the period 2011-2013, Professor Deborah Brautigam, School of International Service, American University.
Master Student in System Dynamics Tony Puah received the Dana Meadows Award At the International System Dynamics Conference 2010.
Tuesday 22. February 10.15-12.00 Department of Geography M744
The pioneering History of Water series brings a much needed historical perspective to the relationship between water and society. The volumes in the series aim to show how history and development – from the birth of civilization to the present day – may be enriched, and new understandings and reinterpretations realised, by a proper awareness of the significance of water.
University of Bergen, 16-18 February 2011 This conference will discuss the relationship between water, social development, and environment, with a special focus on how climate changes impact water systems and thus societies’ development.
The Publics of Europe & the European Public Sphere Tracing the Architects and Trespassers of Borders and Boundaries in Europe
Sosiologisk institutt er bevilget midler fra NFRs program Utdanning 2020 til forprosjektet "Transforming vocational education and training - a collaborative research proposal". Prosjektleder er Ole Johnny Olsen. Prosjektet er et samarbeid med Svein Michelsen, Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonskunnskap, UiB, og forskere ved NIFUSTEP og FAFO. Forskere ved Høgskolen i Akershus vil bli... Read more
Thursday August 26 the new Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in System Dynamics was officially opened by Rector Sebastian C.J.J. Kortmann from Radboud University and Rector Sigmund Grønmo for the University of Bergen.
Professor emerita Kari Wærness and Associate Professor Karen Christensen at the Department of Sociology have contributed to a new book on care for the elderly in Norway and Japan.
Due to the volcanic cloud blocking flights in Northern Europe, both the trial lecture and public defence for Bjørn Enge Bertelsens has, unfortunately, been postponed.
Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research (SCANCOR) at Stanford has since 1987 been an important resource for Norwegian and Scandinavian organization researchers. The Center was established as a result of a collaboration between Jim March and Johan P. Olsen. Today it is led by Professor Walter Powell, one of the world's leading organization researchers.
Associate professor at the Department of Sociology, Asuncion Lera St. Clair, has together with Professor Des Gasper edited the book “Development Ethics”. This book is a part of the series "The International Library of Essays in Public and Professional Ethics".
