Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

A delegation from the Department of Comparative Politics visited Shanghai in April. The program consisted of a workshop at Fudan University and signing a new agreement with East China Normal University.
If you live in Norway you can now apply for a Master in System Dynamics. Deadline is 15th of April. Click here for more information
Sondre Båtstrand presents a new approach for categorizing politics in his article «Giving content to new politics», which will be published in Party Politics.
Sondre Båtstrand presents a new approach for categorizing politics in his article «Giving content to new politics», which will be published in Party Politics.
The Department of Geography has designed a high quality online course in Natural Resources Management.
Sebastian Derwisch disputerer mandag 17. desember 2012 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen:
Håvard Haarstad has edited a book on natural resource governance in Latin America, published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Les intervju med Thomas Lorentzen ved Sosiologisk institutt på det nordiske forskningsnettstedet www.sciencenordic.com.
The research group "Challenges in Advanced Democracies" invites to a stimulating presentation. Wojciech Nowiak from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, will give a talk on "Welfare policy changes in Poland" at our research group seminar on October 24th.
Michaël Tatham has recently been named Associate Professor at the Department of Comparative Politics. This is a short presentation of our newest colleague.
Michaël Tatham has recently been named Associate Professor at the Department of Comparative Politics. This is a short presentation of our newest colleague.
Researchers from the Welfare, Inequality and Life Course (VUL) research group visited the SCWR Unit and Job Center plus in London
This year's Rokkan lecture will be held by Margaret Levi, Jere L. Bacharach Professor of International Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Washington.
The American Political Science Association's (APSA) "Task Force on Democracy, Economic Security, and Social Justice in a Volatile World" published it's final report this spring. Siri Gloppen, from the Department of Comparative Politics, has been a member of the task force.
In a newly published article in Ethnicities, Christine Jacobsen and Mette Andersson follow the engagement of youth from a multi-ethnic Oslo mosque.
Renowned researcher in Labour and Family Economics appointed to Honorary Doctor at the University of Bergen
In a newly published article in Critical Social Policy, Karen Christensen presents a critical analysis of privatization in longterm care in Norway.
Professor i Public Policy David Kirp ved University of California besøker Institutt for Administrasjon og Organisasjonsvitenskap med foredraget “Market and Equity in Higher Education” 29. mai.
