You can access all electronic material (e-books, articles, databases) outside campus if you install Cisco Anyconnect VPN.
You will find more comprehensive information about how to work from home at IT-help UiB (You must use a FEIDE login).
Oria is the common catalogue and search portal for Norwegian subject libraries. It provides an overall overview of which resources are available to you, either at your own institution or via interlibrary loans. You can manage your interlibrary loans yourself via Oria. You access Oria via the website of the University Library. You can search in Oria from the simple field that is clearly located on the start page, but this is a general search that gives many and not very concise hits. To make it easier to find what you are looking for, "Advanced Search" should be used. From this page, you have access to several functions with the possibility to specify the search considerably, as well as manage your own profile.
Search Scope. Here, you choose whether you only want to search your own institution’s library or the entire catalogue. It is best to start the search in your own institution - the University Library in Bergen - as this will show what you actually have access to here and now. Should you not find what you are looking for, you can change this criterion to one of two options: Norwegian Academic Libraries or Search all sources. The best thing is to go straight to Search all sources. The material must be ordered anyway, and you potentially avoid having to apply 3 times.
Advanced search can be used to refine the search, ideally leading to fewer, but better hits. Both search category (All fields, Title, Author, Subject, etc), content text (contains, phrase, starts with) and Boolean search (AND/OR/NOT) will affect which hits you get. The search can further be limited by material type, language and time interval.
Title and author
Title and author are best used when you already know what you are looking for, and either want access to an e-book/article or want to find the shelf placement of a book. There is a big difference between searches that are made without this specification and those that are made with it.
Any Fields and Subject
The categories Any Fields and Subject are more suitable for finding new literature. In this context, it may be expedient to specify the search by using several search terms. In this case, Anthropology, Africa, Health care and Religion have been used as terms with Any Field as a filter, which gave fewer but more concrete hits for each step. If Subject is used rather than Any Field, you get even fewer hits. It is nevertheless worth noting that this has to do with cataloguing, not the book's actual content. In this sense, there is less risk of missing titles by using All fields, but you must scroll through a larger number of matches. However, you can quickly review them if you click on the document and scroll down to the description/abstract.
Once you have logged in, you can access the function via a drop-down menu to easily go directly to the desired category or get an overview via My Account. Here you can see which loans, orders, fees or messages you have with and from the library. This overview gives you a good opportunity to keep up to date with submission dates, follow up on previous orders, see which fees you may have outstanding, and if the library has sent you any messages. You will also receive messages via the mail system, but any comments (one example is if you have been blocked) will also be readily available here. You can also access My Favourites via the tack icon in the top right corner.
Reservation and Interlibrary Loans
You will occasionally need books that have already been borrowed, or books and articles that are not in the collection of the University Library in Bergen. These can be reserved from UBB or ordered as interlibrary loans from other libraries, which you can do yourself via Oria. The order will be dispatched via your primary library. You must be logged in to Oria to be able to use these services. If you are not logged in to Oria, you will be asked to do so before the reservation/order goes ahead.
If a book/all copies of a book have been lent, it will say "Lent out/Checked out from University Library in Bergen". By going to the post (i.e. going to the document itself), you will have the opportunity to reserve the book by pressing "Order Document/Request". You are then asked to choose which library branch you wish to collect the book from (this may have been pre-selected for you), after which you press "Order Document/Request" again. If everything goes well, you will receive a confirmation that the reservation has been completed, as well as information on where you are in the queue (if applicable). As most books have a loan period of 4 weeks, you can calculate how long it will take to receive the book.
Interlibrary loans
Interlibrary loans are most relevant if UiB does not own the document you need. As a rule, books we already own are not borrowed from other libraries, even if there is a long waiting list for our copies. If you believe there are compelling reasons for us to make an exception in your case, you can write a comment in the order form.
A selection of international social anthropological journals. In some cases we do not own the entire archive digitally, but will then usually have it on paper in the depot.
Using Oria, you will find the tab "Get it" where status and location is given for the document. E-books are usually found within the search result, and are accessible when you are connected to the UiB network.
Social anthropology is a subject that employs books and resources from different fields. Regarding books more specific to social anthropology, the book collection is organised by the Dewey classification system, where social anthropology is divided into the following main categories:
300 Social Science
301 Sociology and anthropology
302-307 Specific subjects within subjects within sociology and anthropology
302 Social interaction
303 Sociale processes
304 Factors affecting social behavior
305 Groups of people
306 Culture and institutions
306.09 Monographs. We have lined up these geographically rather than on language or ethnic group.
Handbooks are thematic collections of articles with thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship by leading scholars. Here are a few examples.
Key Concepts in Ethnography - an introduction to important terms and key concepts in one of the most widely used methodologies in social science: Ethnography.
Academic writing
Useful resources on academic writing
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses - database covering most PhD thesis published in the USA. A good resource to quality assured lists of literature within your chosen field.
You have several books on academic writing available in the library. See shelf signature 808.066 for titles like How to write your master's thesis or How to write and publish a scientific paper.
Sage research methods online - tool designed to help you create research projects and understand the methods behind them. More than 800 eBooks on methodology available. SRM can also be used to plan the research process from design to final analysis.
Search Oria for books and articles on methodology.
Working papers
Working papers report research findings well in advance of formal publication. High-quality working papers are published by research organizations such as
Atekst - includes the archives from some of the largest media concerns in Norway. In Norwegian only.
Pressreader - 6000 international newspapers and magazines, most recent editions available.
Proquest - International news archive from 2000 and onward.
Endnote is a reference manager tool that lets you collect, organise and manage different sources through the research process. Endnote is available for download on pc, mac and ipad. An online solution is also available. Get Endnote.
Master thesis from the Department of Social Anthropology (UiB)
Approved master thesis from UiB are in most cases available in BORA - Bergen Open Research Archive. In Oria you will also find master thesis from other institutions in Norway.
The library offers both general and tailored courses, and students and staff both are welcome to contact the subject librarian Erik Hauke Tønnesen for guidance in literature search. Contact subject librarian (below) for more information. The University Library arranges several courses that can be tailored to the need of the user. Feel free to take a look at the library's catalogue of courses.
Other institutions in Bergen
The department of Social Anthropology is not the only place where the subject is studies and researched. Other institutions also operates within the field.
Established in 1988, the Centre for International Health (CIH) at the University of Bergen (UiB) is an inter-Faculty Centre for research and training within the field of Global Health.
CIH works in partnerships with research institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and aims to:
Coordinate and conduct high quality, relevant and innovative global health research
Teach, supervise, and facilitate learning in global health
Disseminate research and engage in policy discussions on pertinent global health issues
CMI is an independent development research institute in Norway. With a staff of 70 people, they address issues that shape global developments and generate knowledge that can be used to fight poverty, advance human rights, and promote sustainable social development.
The University of Bergen has a large and is internationally recognised for both teaching and research, which offers study programmes at all levels. The departments researchers do their work all over the World, and constitutes a versatile research environment.
The department arrange several seminars, conferences and lectures, either by itself or in cooperation with others. These includes: