Research support and education
Technical support: operation and further development of text archives, digital services and research projects.
Main content
Sustainable development research for all
Research relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals should be accessible across society so that it can be used to reach the goals. This project will contribute by creating a portal where people can find Norwegian publications related to the goals, and get access to open versions.
This project is led by the University of Bergen Library, together with partners from the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Library and the University of Stavanger Library. It is funded by the development fund of the National Library of Norway.
More information can be accessed on the project page of 'Sustainable development research for all'.
Developers from Digital Development have worked with the front-end part of the project creation as well as the search functionality of the service. The service can be reached under
The project delivers an electronic solution for submitting and archiving doctoral theses from the University of Bergen. The portal will simplify the process of submission, registration and rights management of theses, with the result that far more doctoral theses will be available Open Access. Furthermore, it is a goal to ensure electronic preservation of the doctoral theses in a closed archive. An electronic archive will eventually contain a complete collection of doctoral theses. This digital full-text archive facilitates the mandatory electronic submission of files and metadata to the National Library. The project will contribute to the development of a common digital infrastructure for doctoral theses from Norwegian research libraries.
Avhandlingsportalen can be reached on
The main goal of the project is to establish an infrastructure for open electronic journals at the research institutions in Bergen. This project is the result of expressed wishes from several academic circles at the institutions to start establishing electronic journals at institutional level as soon as possible. Both the academic community and the library find it natural that this should be a service offered and administered by the libraries that already have expertise in the operation and administration of electronic publication services at the institutions.
The project is a collaboration between the University of Bergen Library and the libraries at the Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen University College and Chr. Michelsen's Institute.
The resources can be reached on the homepage of Bergen Open Access Publishing.
Search and Write (Søk og Skriv)
The project "Digital competence through flexible learning: Information search and source use when writing assignments" aimed to produce an online course for distance students who write assignments. The online course shows how the student goes about finding relevant information related to the task she is about to start and which ethical aspects follow the use of sources. We have called the result and the product we have come up with Search & Write (Søk & Skriv). It illustrates the research process students go through when starting a project or an assignment. We have divided the product into two main parts: Search & Write Basic and Search & Write Advanced. The student chooses the relevant part based on the level of study she/he is at. Søk & Skriv Basic emphasizes the search process, citation and ethics and source criticism. Search & Write Advanced focuses on the search process and the writing process. Here we consider techniques for getting started with the search and writing process, how to keep writing consistent and how to move from the idea stage to the finished product. In addition, an evaluation of the Search & Write product has been carried out along the way to contribute to quality assurance. We have disseminated information about the development of the product at conferences and in publications. As part of the implementation of Søk & Skriv, we have developed a theoretical and didactic introduction to the educational platform. The introduction Search & Write for course holders - Library teaching in higher education is available electronically from the course page.
Search & Write can be reached on
UiB's open research archive, Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA), aims to provide secure, digital long-term storage of UiB's production of quality-assessed research works and to make research works freely available to everyone via the web. Here it is possible to make your master's thesis, doctoral thesis, copies of scientific articles, research reports and other scientific material available. Research publications can be uploaded into Cristin for transfer to BORA.