Nyhetsarkiv for Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Hilmar Mjelde, scientific assistant at the Department of Comparative Politics, has published a book on the membership growth in the Norwegian Progress Party (FrP) 1973 - 2008.

The professors Lise Rakner and Lars Svåsand at the Department of Comparative Politics, UiB have together with Sabiti Makara from Makerere University written an article in International Political Science Review on the reintroduction of multiparty politics in Uganda.
Stein Kuhnle, professor in Comparative Politics, University of Bergen and Marius Paul Olivier, Director of Centre for International and Comparative Labour and Social Security Law, University of Johannesburg, have edited this volume.
Etter at tallene fra Samordna opptak er lagt frem er det grunn til å smile bredt på SV-fakultetet med en økning på 10,4 % i søkertallene. Med 2063 søkere er SV-fakultetet det mest populære fakultetet ved UiB.
Global crises seem to fall on top of each other – all hitting the poorest people and societies the most. The political and economic forces driving both the crises and their potential solutions are much bigger than aid.

Den nyinnstiftede Hans Daalder-prisen for "outstanding paper" som har blitt presentert på ECPR, den europeiske organisasjonen for statsvitenskaplig forskning, ble tildelt Mette Bakken, master i sampol.
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