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Myth, Metaphor and Magic, OR: Whole Brain Games for a Left-Brain World

Professor II Dr. Doris Rusch (Uppsala Universitet) joins CDN to explore existential questions through the lenses of game design and neuroscience.

Doris Rusch banner
Uppsala Universitet



This talk plays with big ideas: it invites a contemplation of existential questions through the lens of game design: how can we make games that contribute to a meaningful life? How can we make games that facilitate a “waking up” to our essential, authentic self, personal meaning and purpose; games that help us contemplate our connectedness and oneness and foster mental, emotional, spiritual development and well-being for ourselves and sustainable world?

Big ideas indeed! They are grounded in (or at least inspired by) existential psychotherapy on the one hand, and neuroscience on the other, particularly research on open focus, mind-body connection, attending to reality through the two hemispheres and whole brain living. They are creatively packaged, though, as myth, metaphor and magic.

The talk is meant as a conversation. It is meant to provoke questions – e.g. how does poetry and play connect us to the right brain? – and discussions, associations and ideas; wild musings about the relevance, need and future of games, the use of new technologies, brain-wave interfaces and bio-feedback mechanisms, to facilitate mythical experiences, deep soul work and an increased understanding of ourselves and others, in a world that is left brain oriented, filled with judgement, categorizations and an overwhelming tendency towards clear answers.


Dr. Doris C. Rusch is a game designer / researcher with a humanities background who holds a position as Senior Lecturer in Game Design at Uppsala University. Her games have won numerous awards and she has been an international keynote speaker and presenter including Clash of Realities, DiGRA, Game Developers Conference, Meaningful Play, Nordic Game Conference, FDG and TEDx. She authored Making Deep Games - Designing Games with Meaning and Purpose (Taylor & Francis 2017). Dr. Rusch is also a Professor II for UiB's Centre for Digital Narrative.