Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

September 6th to 8th we arranged the MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme in Bergen, at the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research. The goal was to discuss to plan and draft up an IODP proposal for JR-style drilling of a series of holes on and off axis of the SKR to assess the cycling of carbon and consequences for life in sediments and shallow basement.
When the sad April weather became unbearable, six students went to Ustaoset at the far end of Hardangervidda one week after Easter, together with Professor Thomas Spengler and Course Assistant Sunil Kumar Pariyar, to hold a seminar in Mesoscale Dynamics with special focus on mountain meteorology.
A new study shows that reproductive investment in cod increased during a period of heavy exploitation, and then stabilized or possibly reversed when the exploitation pressure was greatly reduced. However, this pattern was only found for males.