Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

Hanna Sannes, master’s student in biodiversity, ecology and evolution, recently triumphed with her team at NOR-FISHING Student Camp competition, pitching an idea for the digitalization of fish spawning data.
Biological tubes are ubiquitous in animals, and their morphogenesis is a very complex process. In a new article, researchers in the Chatzigeorgiou group demonstrated the key role and function of the protein Anoctamine 10 in notochord formation in the tunicate Ciona.
In 2021, Marie Curtet investigated the evolution of stakeholder participation in European UNECO Biosphere Reserves, and what challenges and opportunities rose from the COVID pandemic and the digital shift as part of her MSc thesis. Curtet was supervised by UNESCO Chair Inger Måren and Alícia Barraclough, and her findings was recently published in The Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning...
Are irreplaceable natural and cultural values ​​in Western Norway in danger of being destroyed by industrial development? For some time, there has been debates about future industrial development in the western Norwegian municipality of Bremanger. UNESCO Chair for sustainable heritage and environmental management, Inger Måren, is engaged in this debate.
PhD candidates Mascha Dix and Jessica Menzies visited the Centre from Saudi Arabia to develop their microinjection skills in the Steinmetz group.
By reconstructing past changes in ocean circulation and climate, paleoceanographer, Nil Irvali, aims to better understand the ongoing changes and improve predictions of our future climate.
On the 12th of August 2024, PhD candidate Aishwarya Ravi successfully defended her thesis titled: “Polarized Recruitment of Secretory Vesicles in the Choanoflagellate Salpingoeca rosetta: Insights into the Origin of Neurosecretion”
A new study led by Associate Professor Eoghan Reeves at the Centre for Deep Sea Research, just published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, sheds light on one of the pillars of chemosynthetic life at deep sea hot springs – the dissolved natural gas molecule, methane.
“The fact that we have just five years left to reach the Sustainable Development Goals should give us reason to pause — can we not do better?” asks Professor Birgit Kopainsky, who will lead Bergen Summer Research School 2025.