Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

In this text Håvard Haarstad and Dorothy J. Dankel discuss the potential tipping and tripping points in offshore wind.
What will be the consequences of ice on Greenland and in the Arctic melting at an alarming pace? This was one of the questions Professor Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu and colleagues wanted to find answers to in the largest ever ERC project in the Nordic countries; the Synergy Grant Ice2Ice project.
Nuclear upregulation of class I PI3K p110β correlates with increased rDNA transcription in cancer cells
Nuclear phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate interactome uncovers an enrichment in nucleolar proteins including PARP1.
Astrid Fonnes Myren's thesis investigates the sensitivity of offshore wind power production related to changes in key parameters
Geophysical characterization of a shallow hydrothermal system by an international team of researchers.
The project Large Offshore Wind Turbines (LOWT): Structural design accounting for non-neutral wind conditions is funded with 12 MNOK via the NFR FRIPRO program.
Ida Marie Solbrekke and Asgeir Sorteberg at BOW have developed a wind power data set that is mapping the wind power potential at the Norwegian continental shelf and in the surrounding ocean areas.
Headlines for a researcher at the Center after EGU presentation
When we look at the sky and think "Are we alone?", there is no need to look only for planets receiving sun light.
A new project for the Center for Deep Sea Research financed by the Norwegian Research Council.
A new study from researchers from the Center for Deep Sea Research tells about a 80 000 year long powernap on the seafloor.
Two PhD students from the Center for Deep Sea Research have written an article for Aftenposten on the search for the origins of life.
The very first CEDAS-conference (Center for Data Science at the University of Bergen) was held the 1st and 2nd of June both virtually and physically in Bergen.
Forskningssenteret vil studere algoritmer som fungerer best for mennesker og samfunnet. Nå kan de bli et Senter for Fremragende Forskning (SFF).
For the second time, the annual Bergen Summer Research School was an online event — this time with special sessions on systems-thinking and innovative digital social activities.
Once again, the University of Bergen is ranked among the top ten oceanography universities in the world.
