Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

Open for registration, deadline 23rd of February.
The Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen offers a Master Degree in Global Health.
At the UiB, health minister Bent Høie met representatives of the health industry and health institutions to receive input for a new parliamentary report on the health industry.
Large-scale and long-term, RCTs can, in turn, generate further research projects and capacity-strengthening opportunities.
The University of Bergen, Centre for International Health and two other partners in the educational network TropEd have been collaborating since 2016 to create an Erasmus plus project in Global Health Education that involves students being virtually mobile instead of physically so.
The HI-TRAIN collaboration has established capacity-building courses in Health Information Technology in Kenya and Uganda that will continue after the project period.
Here are the presentations from the research seminar December 13, 2017.
Congratulations to CCBIO dental student Martha Rolland Jacobsen for the research dissemination prize at the research fair of the Medical Faculty’s recent Clinical Dentistry Week! Martha presented her research work, which is part of a larger research project that aims to combine the expression of 13 biomarkers known to play a role in the progression of OSCC, in order to develop a molecular... Read more
On the third year of its launching, the Joint PhD program between the University of Bergen-Norway and Hawassa University-Ethiopia is showing remarkable success. It has so far enrolled 18 PhD candidates conducting their studies at both universities.
The Centre for Cancer Biomarkers hosted a two-day seminar in scientific writing December 13th and 14th, and the massive interest proves that this is an issue both students and researchers feel the need to learn more about.
PhD candidate Sigmund Ytre - Hauge presented his work at the 103rd scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
Professor Ole Frithjof Norheim is co-authoring a new Lancet article giving recommendations on how to organize the Disease Control Priorities findings to best promote universal health coverage.
Uhuru Kenyatta was declared president elect despite elections not having taken place in 25 constituencies in four counties in the 26 October election
Mari Kyllesø Halle defended her thesis "Molecular alterations suggesting new treatment strategies in uterine carcinomas" at the University of Bergen November 10th 2017.
How do we achieve a real dialogue between Science and Society? What are scientists' responsibilities in this regard? These questions were discussed at a Round Table event 26 October 2017 at the "FEBS3+" conference in Barcelona, gathering biochemists and life scientists from France, Portugal and Spain.
Kristi Krüger defended November 8th her dissertation “Markers of angiogenesis and the basal-like phenotype of breast cancer”. The study has given increased knowledge of the aggressive basaloid type of breast cancer.
