Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

Centre for Nutrition participated at the Scandinavian Association of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (SAIGM) Meeting in Copenhagen.
We reached a major milestone for our studies in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study (MoBa).
Matrix Biology group leader and CCBIO PI Donald Gullberg recently returned from an inspiring conference in China.
SEFAS' PhD student at a six months exchange as Postgraduate Fellow at Yale School of Medicine, Geriatrics.
CCBIO PI Donald Gullberg recently returned from an inspiring conference in China, where he was invited speaker for the third National Conference of the Chinese Society of Matrix Biology.
Long term networks through the Kolaas’ engagement in Bhutan has given new opportunities for exchange in acadmic training and Research.
The research laboratory for brain cancer immunology and therapy at the Department of Biomedicine has received the secretary general of the Brain-Tumour Society Rolf Ledal to discuss current and future research projects.
Jutta Dierkes discussed dietary supplements and vitamins with Trond-Viggo Torgersen in his series about The body for adults at Litteraturhuset on November 13th.
Prof. Kamal Mustafa participated in the EFP Perio Workshop 2018 which focused on the topic of bone regeneration.
Friday 9.November Elisabeth Schilbred Eriksen defended her doctoral dissertation “Intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy. Objective and subjective treatment outcomes”.
Nobody knows the effect of micro plastics on our body. Now, Norwegian researchers have joined the hunt for answers.
The international event "Beating the DRUM" co-hosted by Norwegian government focused on domestic resource use and mobilization for accelerating progress towards SDG3. It featured roundtable discussions about increasing public-sector revenue to improve health in an efficient and equitable way. Norheim, director of the Global Health Priority Research Group, was the moderator of one of these... Read more
Erika Ito is a third year medical student at Tohoku University in Sendai in Japan and as part of her study she is four months in Bergen to do research.
SEFAS' collaboration partner, Smart Aging Research Centre, is doing several studies to test the effect of brain training to improve the cognitive ability for persons with dementia and other groups for elderly people.
CIH Professor, Thorkild Tylleskär, spoke about preventing mother-child transmission of HIV at NTNU’s Global Health Day 24 October, 2018.