Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

The annual public research event by the scientific and research community in Bergen, the Research Fair ('Forskningstorget'), took this year place September 21st and 22nd. The Bergen Gynecologic Research Group took responsibility for the CCBIO stand this year, and attracted great interest both from adults and the actual target audience, kids and youth.
- We train our doctors to ask the patient what matters to them
Overweight rats fed on proteins from cod had better kidney function than overweight rats on a diet based on milk proteins, shows research by Oddrun Gudbransen at the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1).
The Centre for Nutrition took part in the Pink ribbon run for the first time.
Every 15 seconds, a worker dies from a work-related accident or disease. Two thirds of these deaths happen in developing countries. This can be prevented with knowledge and education.
BMI does not say all about health, but it is a useful tool in health promotion.
October 3rd 2018, CCBIO hosted a special seminar titled "The Importance of Mentoring for Career Development", where panellists Marsha A. Moses (Harvard Medical School/Boston Children’s Hospital), Roopali Roy (Harvard Medical School/Boston Children’s Hospital), Roland Jonsson (Faculty of Medicine/UiB) and Anne Blanchard (SVT/CCBIO) discussed mentoring in different forms and settings, and provided... Read more
For the third time, the Faculty of Medicine organized a career day for its PhD candidates. NTNU sent representatives to learn from us.
The report by The Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems, co-authored by leader in the GHP research group Ole Frithjof Norheim, sets a new definition for “quality health systems,” and finds that improved health system quality could prevent over 8 million deaths and improve the health outcomes of millions more each year in low- and middle-income countries. The report... Read more
30 years with Centre for International Health University of Bergen. Scientific seminar: From Past to Future in Global Health. Reflections after 30 years with Centre for International Health University of Bergen
BERG has this month joined the Norwegian Brain Council as a member, together with the other research groups at Section for Neurology, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen.
EpiReg is a comprehensive system designed for the prospective digital registration of information concerning patients with epilepsy treated at the Department of Neurology, Haukeland University Hospital.
Akeza Awealom, a PhD student in Occupational Health at the Centre for International Health (CIH), travelled to Washington DC to present results of his research concerning dust exposure among particleboard workers in Ethiopia at a major international conference.