Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

Long-term exposure to air pollution and a lack of access to green spaces increases the risk of hospitalisation for respiratory conditions, according to a study conducted by UiB-researchers.
The new European Society of Cardiology guidelines were presented at the largest cardiology conference in the world, ESC 2024 in London
Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child mortality in low-income countries, following pneumonia. To tackle this issue, a consortium coordinated by UiB-professor Kurt Hanevik has secured EU funding to improve diagnosis and treatment of diarrheal diseases.
Researchers at the University of Bergen, Haukeland University Hospital, and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health have studied the relationship between levels of environmental pollutants in the blood and pubertal development in 300 boys in Bergen, Norway. The results showed that those with higher levels of pollutants entered puberty later.