Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

Dette er et supplement til trening i modeller og på slaktehuspreparater slik at helsepersonell skal gi pasienter den beste behandling. Grisen er i narkose hele tiden. Når grisen er død brukes huden til trening i å sy sårskader. Slik utnytter vi grisen best mulig og bidrar til å bruk av færre dyr. Se innslag fra bt.tv under
Children who are exposed to antiepileptic drugs during the pregnancy have an increased risk of early development issues, according to a new study published in Epilepsia.
Injuries have a profound impact on both the individual and society as a whole. A new article from the Centre for International Health reports incidence rates, causes and risk factors for non-fatal injuries in the context of Khartoum state in Sudan, with the aim to assist in developing evidence-based prevention programs.
Dr. Ines Kutzner has received funding from the Research Council of Norway to investigate mechanisms behind loosening of knee prostheses
Vibeke Ansteinsson defended her PhD thesis on biological responses to particles and monomers used in dental filling materials
30th of September and 1st of October MIC would like to invite people to an open day at the facility where all the available technologies are presented with demos. People can sign up to attend demos and on systems of interest and even bring own samples to test.