Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

About half of children with celiac disease have problems with enamel damage. UiB researchers have now found that the cause is an immune reaction to one of the most common proteins in cow’s milk.
It is about bones, stem cells and growth factor stimuli in tissue when dentist and postdoctoral fellow Siddharth Vivek Shanbhag explains his research. Last week he received Helse Vest's Young Researcher award, for the studies he is doing on the regeneration of bone defects.
The Workshop “New Approach Methodologies for NanoSafety” and the “NanoBioReal” Project meeting were held in Bergen on March 30th and March 31st, 2023. Safety assessment is essential for the successful implementation of scientific breakthroughs in nanomaterial science and nano-enabled technologies that address global societal challenges.
Our long term collaboration with the research group of Jakub Abramson at Weizmanns institute in Israel har resulted in two new publications in high ranked journals
PhD-candidate Anders Røsland presented the topic "Can pulmonary disease be prevented in the dentist's chair?" at The National Convention for the Norwegian Dental Association. At the Department of Clinical Dentistry, University of Bergen, a clinical study is in progress investigating whether treatment of periodontitis affects lung function and lung inflammation.
Congratulations to Ragnhild E. Krage (to the right) and Margit Hågå who won the student research price at the Norwegian Dental Association Meeting (November 2023). Here they are together with the president of the Norwegian Dental Association, Heming Olsen-Bergem.
A new study sheds light on what works best to prevent migraine attacks, and surprisingly, cheaper medicines worked as well as the expensive ones.
Did you miss Arill Hagland's talk on OneSubsea Processing's plans for developing subsea substations for offshore wind parks? Watch it here!
PhD fellow Lisa M. D. Grymyr passed her midway evaluation with an excellent presentation of her project: Cardiac function in severe obesity and after bariatric surgery
Åshild Johansen, a PhD candidate in the Tissue Engineering Group, represented the University of Bergen and gave a talk at the National Convention for the Norwegian Dental Association in November 2023. The title of the talk was, “New Biomaterials for 3D-Printing of Bone”, where she presented some of her newest results.
Cecilie Gjerde, dentist and specialist in oral surgery and oral medicine, held a presentation at Bioteknologirådet on how she builds new bone for patients using stem cells. Gjerde is a former winner of the research dissemination award Forsker Grand Prix and works as an associate professor at the Department of Clinical Dentistry at the University of Bergen.
The Pandemic Centre will collaborate with the University of Gdansk to exchange experiences from the health ambassdor project that was organized in Bergen during the covid 19-pandemic. The goal is to adapt the same model in a polish context and among Ukrainian immigrants in Poland.