Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

Francesca vulcano and her coworkers have been awarded the 2022 best article award from FEMS microbiology ecology. The article investigates the evolution and adaptation to different environments of anaerobic methane oxidizing Archaea.
Did you miss Jonas Solbakken and Velaug Myrseth Oltedal's presentation of HyValue? Watch it here!
The University of Bergen has been awarded four EU-funded mobility grants through Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). One grant goes to The Faculty of Humanities, and three will go to The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Carl was a visiting student at the HypOnFjordFish project from the Freie University, Berlin. He has been studying the effects of hypoxia on mesopelagic crustaceans
Karen has been studying the distribution and diet of two small sharks, the velvet belly and blackmouth catshark, in west Norwegian fjords.
Join members of the UNESCO Chair Group and the Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM) for a workshop on participatory research during Day Zero, February 8th 2023.
A new review in Science reveals the quick and accumulating impacts of humans in the Amazon – and nature will likely not be able to keep up. This new paper developed by CESAM member Suzette Flantua reveals the magnitude of the drivers of deforestation and degradation in the Amazon and lists the transformative policy actions needed to safeguard the region and consequently global climate.
Øivind has been studying the effect of the parasitic copepod Sarcotretes scopeli on its mesopelagic fish host.
Kjetil Våge and ROVER investigate the consequences of a changing climate along the sea-ice edge off the east coast of Greenland. The European Research Council supports his efforts with a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant.
Karl Magnus Laundal will use his ERC Consolidator Grant to study the coupling between the Earth’s atmosphere and space.
With a prestigious grant from the ERC, Cristian Guillermo Gebhardt plans to solve key issues within offshore wind with smart algorithms and raw computer power.
In December 2022, two years after it was planned, 196 nations signed on to the historic Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF).
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. So what is the evolutionary meaning of cancer? What will it take to get rid of it? In this lecture, professor in medicine Jarle Breivik explores the evolutionary logic of cancer.
On Thursday 19 January Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi successfully defended his PhD thesis. The title of his thesis is 'Intraplate Earthquakes in Nordland, Northern Norway- Insight from Seismic Tomography and Seismicity Analysis'.
A new approach developed by the group of CESAM member Peter Manning uses a mixture of natural and social science methods to identify the land-use strategies that work best for the multiple stakeholder groups that use them.
NORA Research School provides exchange opportunities for PhD students in AI related fields. Mariyam Khan just arrived at The Alan Turing Institute in London for a six-month research stay.
