Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

While hunting for guppies in Sri Lanka, Ranga Jayawickrama discovered a location hosting a guppy population at a high altitude.
Year 2011 has truly been an eventful year for the Centre for Geobiology (CGB).
We are pleased to announce that the 5th International workshop on modeling the ocean (IWMO) will be held at the University of Bergen from 17-20 June 2013
John Birks was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award in Palaeolimnology at the 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium in Glasgow.
A recent study by the PhD student Sigrid Lind shows that the northwest Barents Sea warmed substantially during the last decades.
Cindy Van Dover will give her honorary doctorate lecture Thursday 30 August, in Realfagbyget’s Auditorium 4, at 14:15.
Armine Margaryan from Armenia is the first visiting PhD student in a new Eurasia programme in geomicrobiology
University of Bergen awarded Professor Anne Magurran an honorary doctorate on August 31. To mark this event, a seminar in her honour was arranged on August 30. In addition to a keynote talk by Professor Magurran, exciting local research was portrayed.
Ranga Jayawickrama is collecting additional material for his Master thesis at Sri Lanka.
The Department of Informatics warmly welcomes all new and previous students to a new semester. We hope everyone will have a fun and rich start of the semester.
For the first time, an obligatory student seminar for the course Mesoscale Dynamics was held in one of the UiB cabins in Ustaoset on the Hardangervidda.
PhD student Adilan Hniman from The Prince of Songkla University in Thailand is finalizing his PhD work in Norway
Saket Saurabh has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant of 13 million NOK. Saurabh will establish his group at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen.
Postdoctoral fellowship in evolutionary fisheries ecology is now open. Dead-line: July 29.
