Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

On December 19th, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was adopted at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Montreal. A landmark deal for conservation and management of nature and protection of biodiversity worldwide, this framework sets ambitious goals for how humanity should move forward to achieve the Convention of Biodiversity’s Vision “Living in Harmony... Read more
The circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean can dampen temperature increase and ice melt in certain decades. Researcher warns against interpreting reduced temperature increase as a sign of a slow-down in climate change.
Ladestasjonar til sjøs skal gi betre utnytting av fornybar energi i offshore-industri.
Did you miss Dr. Abdullah Al Arif's presentation on how offshore wind farms (OWFs) and fisheries interact within a climate change context? Watch the recorded webinar here!
As the negotiations in Montreal draw to a close, headlines are announcing the big Targets agreed to by nearly 200 countries pledging to put a stop to biodiversity loss.
Did you miss Jon O. Hellevang's presentation on seabed minerals and their role in the green shift? Watch it here!
This is the web page for HySchool Days 2023, the premier networking event organised by HySchool ‒ Norwegian Research School on Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Based Fuels. UiB hosted HySchool Days 2023 in Bergen, on 8-9 March 2023. 
HySchool welcomes the four student representatives to the board for 2022 - 2023! They represent the students in HySchool and will contribute to the development of the research school.
The VISTA centre is a multidisciplinary research centre funded by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
The geophysics group is involved in the Centre for Excellent Innovation (SFI) DigiWells
A new Science paper shows that human-caused changes to Amazonian ecosystems are hundreds to thousands of times faster than those of natural climatic and geological processes.
The five-day conference, Nov. 14-18th, 2022, on CCUS in Golden, CO, USA, brought together 95 graduate students, scientists, engineers and CCUS experts from Europe, Asia, South America, and North America.
In the span of two weeks, Postdoctoral Fellow Justas Zalieckas has been awarded two prestigious grants for his diamond coating research.
November 17 2022 the first ever Nordic UNESCO Chair meeting was held. 11 chairholders met over Teams, representing four different countries: Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
Pioneering research ideas on migration and diamond coating have given Marry-Anne Karlsen and Justas Zalieckas at the University of Bergen a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
The 7th conference on interdisciplinary teamwork skills for the 21st century, will be held in Bergen, Norway on 27th-28th April 2023.
Diamonds are more than just a girl´s best friend. Justas Zalieckas aims to widen the use of diamond coatings by making it applicable to 3D objects.
