Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Department of Informatics will host the 97th Plenary Meeting of Technical Committee 39 of ECMA International, the standardizing body for the JavaScript programming language.
Did you miss Dhayalan Velauthapillai's BEL Lunch seminar presenting on research on nanomaterials for solar cells, Hydrogen and energy storage applications at Western Norway University of Applied Science? Watch it here!
The Plastics Network (UIB) has launched a plastic lunch seminar series to promote sharing of knowledge on plastics from different scientific perspectives.
On June 1st, UiB's UNESCO Group and Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere Reserve is arranging the BIOSPHERE DAY in Knarvik, Nordhordland. UNESCO Group members will present current and previous scientific projects from the region, and share reuslts and insights. The event is open to the public.
Jakob Seierstad Stokke is a new Ph.D. student at the Department of Mathematics and his project is part of the Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics. We met him to find out more about his background and the project.
For the next five years, the ERC grant will allow Prof. Eivind Valen to develop new informatics methods to explore a basic molecular biology mystery that remains unsolved: the cap code.
The Norwegian World Heritage Forum 2023 is being held in Bergen on May 3-5. In connection to this, UNESCO Chair Inger Måren was recently interviewed about her work with Biosphere Reserves. Dr. Måren will also be giving a talk on her experiences with research in, with and for UNESCO Biosphere Reserves at the World Forum on May 5.
Did you miss Finn Gunnar Nielsens presentation of NVE's report on new areas for renewable energy production at sea? Watch it here! Please note that the presentation was given in Norwegian language.
Last week, the Department of Earth Science hosted a successful workshop on "Greenland ice sheet stability: lessons from the past". The workshop attracted 70 international participants from various disciplines and institutions. The main goal of the workshop was to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of ideas on the past, present and future of the Greenland ice sheet.
Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen have a long-standing agreement to strengthen development-related research in Bergen. We now invite applications for collaboration between our two institutions for 2023-2024. Deadline 7 June, 2023.
A new study authored by Björn Nyberg and colleagues offers the world's first comprehensive classification of river channel belts at a 30-meter resolution.
Did you miss Kristin Margrethe Flornes presentation of Eviny's pilot project from PILOT-E to develop solutions for increased flexibility in the power system? Watch it here!
for group B (temporary staff in academic positions) and D (students) 01.08.2023 – 31.07.2024.
In this presentation, Ingvald Torblå, CEO of Odda Technology, presents the plans and current status of the Green energy project Hardanger Hydrogen Hub.
A new article published in Science suggests fundamental differences of nerve net architecture that challenges our previous understanding on the evolution of nervous systems and how they transmit information.
During the conference on "Pandemic, diversity and social inequality" in Bergen in October, researchers started working on a declaration based on knowledge and experiences from the pandemic. The declaration has now been published and is open to read.
Trond Mohn Foundation and the University of Bergen are launching three research projects worth a total of 40 million Norwegian kroner for research for more trustworthy systems for artificial intelligence (AI).
