Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

CIH’s Master in Global Health started 13 August. CIH staff worked hard to ensure that all new students received a welcome despite any COVID-19 complications.
In Zambia, COVID-19 testing capability was established in February 2020 with US and Japanese assistance. The first two cases of COVID-19 were reported on 18 March 2020.
Theogene Habumugisha is one of the first UiB Global Challenges PhD Candidates. While Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Goal 2, Zero Hunger, focuses entirely on hunger and global food and agriculture systems, many SDGs include a nutritional aspect. Habumugisha's project will use cross-Faculty approaches and a responsible research and innovation framework to address a theme within nutrition.
PhD Candidate Jasmin Shrestha is undertaking a PhD studying the rotavirus disease burden, and the distribution of rotavirus genotypes in children participating in a community-based cohort study in Bhaktapur, Nepal. She also aims to describe any changing patterns of rotavirus genotypes over time, to provide information for increasing vaccine efficacy.
PhD Candidate Anneli Eriksson successfully defended her work on 9 June 2020. Her PhD was a collaboration between Centre for International Health, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, UiB and Centre for Research on Health Care in Disasters (KcKM) at KI.
In India, the first COVID-19 case was reported on January 30, 2020. As of June 21, 2020, ~425 000 COVID-19 cases had been reported with 13 700 deaths across the country.
Every woman reaches menopause at a different time in life. Now, researchers from the University of Bergen have found a fuzzy way to calculate how far each one has come.
An aspect of achieving SDG3 is exchanging knowledge and experience from different health systems. To this end, in Sri Lanka, medical doctors specialized in medical administration and seeking Medical Administration Board certification must complete at least 1 year of study under the supervision of a specialist in another country. Dr Asela Perera spent his year studying with Bente E. Moen at CIH in... Read more
CCBIO Postdoc Katrin Kleinmanns, together with CCBIO PhD Katharina Bischoff and Researcher Vibeke Fosse, recently published 2 articles in EBioMedicine. Their work describing CD24-targeted near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging in patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC), confirms an improvement of cytoreduction of ovarian cancer in PDX orthotopic... Read more
Research Schools are meant to be dynamic meeting places. For the first time, students attending Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) 2020 had to manage this digitally. The feedback thus far indicates the experience has gone well.
Medical student Michelle Khan started her summer stipend at Biomatlab. It is also the start of her Medical Student Research Programme with a project entitled "Modern cementing techniques in total knee arthroplasty".
Even only few hours with cognitive behavioural therapy has very good effect on persons with hypochondria 10 years after treatment.
The pandemic situation and lockdown of campus has forced CCBIO to think new in order to fulfill the goals for the CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies. On fairly short notice, the 2 planned spring courses were rescheduled to new dates and organized through digital platforms. Despite of limited time to get the word out, registration for both courses soon had to be closed, due to great interest... Read more
Magalie El Hajj, a Master student in Global Health, recently published a paper with her supervisor, Lone Holst. CIH congratulates them both!
The COVID-19 outbreak of 2020 forced Bergen Research Summer School (BSRS) to transform from a physical to a virtual gathering of international students.
BiSS is growing as a core facility, and we are quite happy that our users are satisfied.
Ane Johannessen is the project leader for Life-GAP, a research project that begins in July 2020. This week Johannessen led an administrative kick-off meeting at CIH.
The Martens Group is proud to announce Niladri's successful defence of his PhD thesis entitled "An evolutionary epigenetics approach to schizophrenia." Niladri received main supervision by Stéphanie Le Hellard (UiB) and co-supervision by Timothy Hughes, (UiO), and Tatiana Polushina (UiB).
