Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

The Martens Group is very proud on behalf of Priyanthi's successful defence of her PhD thesis entitled “Lipid effects during antipsychotic drug treatment and their relevance for clinical outcomes.” Priyanthi received main supervision in her doctoral project from Vidar Steen (UiB) and co-supervision by Ingrid Melle (UiO), Erik Johnsen (UiB) and Silje Skrede (UiB).
Five publications were nominated for the Department’s annual award.
Bergen Summer Research School opened 8 June with a record number of participants. Together with some of Bergen's best research milieus, they will explore how their research can contribute to solving global challenges. This year they meet online - watch the many public lectures on YouTube.
UiB’s COVID-19 Lockdown meant that the Department’s Annual gathering was held virtually via ZOOM rather than face-to-face. Despite this – or maybe because of this – there were up to 100 people attending!
Have you ever considered doing a research stay abroad to broaden your scientific horizon? Postdoctor Sylvia Varland recently returned from a 2-year research stay at University of Toronto. Learn more about her scientific adventure and cultural experiences.
Wakisa Mulwafu became interesting in ear and hearing issues when he was training as a medical doctor. He travelled to South Africa to become an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist, and returned to Malawi to build up ENT services in the country.
CISMAC has prepared its Annual Report for 2019. Highlighting the year’s activity at the Centre for Research Excellence, the report also begins to consider future directions for the Centre, after the end of the 10-year funding period.
Halvor Sommerfelt and Cecilie Svanes have been awarded the Faculty of Medicine’s Publication and Communications Prizes, respectively, for 2019.
Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen have a long-standing agreement to strengthen development-related research in Bergen. We now invite applications for collaboration between our two institutions. Deadline 20 June, 2020.
CIH’s Annual Report gives the Centre a chance to reflect on its activities over the past year. The Centre vision provides a “red thread” through the research, networking, education and publication activity.
The CCBIO International Faculty was established to support the Centre through active collaborations and strategic advice. In addition to the 13 already affiliated members, we have now recruited a new member, Marta Bertolaso from Rome, Italy, and have the pleasure of presenting her and her unique contribution to CCBIO.
PhD Candidate Hanne Keyser Hegdahl’s work studies factors contributing to young women’s sexual and reproductive health behaviour, attitudes, beliefs and risks in a sub-Saharan African setting.
CCBIO applied for and recently received continued support from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU) for phase 2 of the INTPART project: “Bergen-Harvard Cancer Studies phase 2: Continued Partnership for Responsible Education, Research and Innovation Excellence.”
Actin is the most abundant protein in human cells and is involved in numerous functions including steering cellular architecture, cell motility and cell division. Recently, UiB researchers identified NAA80 as a long-sought actin regulator. Now, the structure of NAA80 bound to actin and profilin reveals its mechanism of action.
Exosomes released from the primary tumour into circulation have been documented to promote pre-metastatic niche formation. We have identified a miRNA in exosomes from melanoma brain metastases that can play a vital role in this process. Knock-down (KD) of this miRNA results in an inhibition of brain metastatic growth. We are in the process of identifying potential drugs inhibiting the expression... Read more
Research leaders at the Translational Cancer Research group have newly established a research collaboration with the HUST-Suzhou Institute for Brainsmatics, to study the development of brain tumors and brain metastasis.
Overnight March 12-13, UiB became a digital university. This meant everything, even the pinnacle of university study – PhD Defences – went online. The transformation is working - thanks to the concerted efforts of many.
The world has experienced several devastating epidemics. One of the worst was the Spanish flu, that ravaged between 1918 and 1920. The epidemic probably killed more people than the First and Second World Wars together.
