Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

PhD-candidates and researchers from the Centre for Nutrition participated at the 13th edition of the European Nutrition Conference in Dublin from 15-18th October 2019.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, BSRS 2020 was organised as a virtual research school. 
This summer, the Department of Biomedicine organized a joint summer school with the Cheeloo College of Medicine at Shandong University in China.
Bergen Stem Cell Consortium meeting 2019 took place in Bergen where researchers not only from Norway but also from several European countries came together to discuss about recent development of research and clinical application in stem cell biology. Ph.D. candidate, Shuntaro Yamada, presented his ongoing work with the title of “Plasma surface activation of polymeric biomaterials improved seeding... Read more
Tooth morphogenesis is not driven by proliferation but spatiotemporal change in cell shape regulated by actomyosin. Ph. D candidate Shuntaro Yamada’s previous work “Molar Bud-to-Cap Transition Is Proliferation Independent” conducted at King’s College London, UK, was published on The Journal of Dental Research, which is a peer-reviewed and top-cited journal in dentistry. This work revealed the... Read more
Prof. Mustafa presented a keynote lecture at the 28th annual EAO Congress titled "Are stem cells the implants of the future"
A team of CISMAC researchers has published the results of CISMAC’s first and largest randomized control trial in The Lancet.
UiB Rector, Dag Rune Olsen, and Vice-Rector for Global Relations, Anneline Eriksen, met with IGS’ strategic research and education leaders Wednesday 2 October.
MED reports that a UIB-study shows that boys who are obese in pre-puberty have an over two times higher risk of having children with asthma than those who are not.
As a child, Silke Appel was taken on ski trips to Geilo with her family from Berlin. Today she is a research director and deputy head of the Broegelmann Research Laboratory in Bergen, thanks to financial support from the Trond Mohn Foundation.
CIH Associate Professor, Ana Lorena Ruano is leading an open workshop on how to write better scientific articles.
The CISMAC supported SAFEZT project has released a special issue on reproductive health and the politics of abortion in Ethiopia, Zambia, and Tanzania.
Researchers from the Department of Biomedicine describe the atomic details responsible for the short length of actin filaments in the malaria parasite.
Iceland’s dramatic landscape served as backdrop for generating ideas and action plans for new collaborations between the University of Bergen/CCBIO and Harvard Medical School/Vascular Biology Program in a meeting August 29th to September 3rd.
Researchers at the University of Bergen looked if there is a connection between the mode of delivery and the genetics of children’s intelligence.
The University of Bergen is appointing 10 new Honorary Doctors, one of which is Harvard Professor Bruce Zetter, very well known to the CCBIO family, both as advisor in the CCBIO Scientific Advisory Board, and through the CCBIO-VBP INTPART collaboration.
A thought-provoking paper by PhD candidate Andrea Melberg and colleagues underlines how the politicisation of global health initiatives affects the ways in which knowledge about important health indicators is produced.
