Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

A new moth species has been named after former EECRG PhD student Perpetra Akite.
Building on years of collaboration with institutions of research and higher education, the University of Bergen ends year with funding for a record number of new projects with partner institutions in the South.
CeSAM is a UiB initiative to gather and coordinate research and education of relevance to the management of our land and marine areas. Many of the big challenges of our time - climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, health, food, societal planning - meet in the decision-making around spatial planning, and we are really seeing these issues high on the agenda in both science and society today.
Eric Grimm (born 20 August 1951), a very active collaborator and key-player within our HOPE project, died suddenly on 15 November 2020. Eric devoted his career to doing superb palaeoecological science and to providing a generous service to the scientific community through his development of TILIA software, giving numerous workshops internationally, and managing and enlarging Neotoma, a global... Read more
Take on the transformative challenges of our time together with motivated students from around Europe in the new course "Facing Grand Challenges: A European research program"
Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Nele Meckler, Ragnhild Muriaas, and Inga Berre have been awarded the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant.
The Norwegian government has received strong criticism from the office of the Auditor General for the fact that Norway still lacks a comprehensive and cross-sectoral approach, has not prepared national indicators, and lacks ambition almost five years after the sustainability goals were adopted by the UN. Minister of Local Government and Modernisation Nikolai Astrup asked for input on the action... Read more
Presentation about medical imaging data, given at the Computer Graphics International Conference 2020
The launch at the University Aula concluded with two large panels representing the diversity of scientific milieus tackling global challenges in Bergen. Together they will work to make Bergen the place of choice for students seeking knowledge and skills to help solve global challenges.
Several people from the Marine Microbiology group are currently involved in national and international field work campaigns in the Arctic. Working conditions can be hard in this cold environment, but researchers who got to participate in Arctic cruises or field work say it is a life-time experience! Read more about the Nansen Legacy and HAVOC (part of Mosaic) projects as well as CLIMAGAS below.
The VISTA Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (VISTA CSD) was launched 15 October 2020 at the University of Bergen. 
Earthquakes may occur due to human activities, thousands of metres below the Earth’s crust. A new centre at the University of Bergen will find out more about how the substratum has been deformed.
Dr Perpetra Akite, a former EECRG member, has a blogpost about her journey to become an ecologist on the Relational Thinking blog of the British Ecological Society
På Universitet i Bergen (UiB) vokser miljøet innen maskinlæring stadig. Kanskje ikke så rart, når kunstig intelligens er i ferd med å endre hele samfunnet vårt.
Applied mathematician Inga Berre is drawn to solving problems, and enjoys being in for the long haul in cracking them.
Modeling and inversion of seismic data using multiple scattering, renormalization and homotopy methods.
Observations north of Svalbard reveal a pathway of energy transfer from tidal currents to turbulent mixing.
