
University of Bergen


Upcoming events for DIGSSCORE

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Week 22

1st June (0)

There are no events on this day

Week 24

14th June (1)

Launch Event for DIGSSCORE (Event)
Starts - Event ends at 15.06.2016

15th June (1)

Launch Event for DIGSSCORE (Event)

Week 37

13th September (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Hiwa Målen (Seminar)

Week 38

20th September (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Nina Serdarevic (Seminar)

Week 39

27th September (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Sveinung Arnesen (Seminar)

Week 40

4th October (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Mikael Johannesson (Seminar)

Week 41

11th October (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Erik Knudsen (Seminar)

13th October (1)

Workshop with professor Kim Voss (Workshop)

Week 42

18th October (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Åsta Dyrnes Nordø (Seminar)

Week 43

25th October (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Endre Tvinnereim (Seminar)

Week 44

1st November (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Daniele Nosenzo (Seminar)

Week 45

8th November (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: American election (Seminar)

Week 46

15th November (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Sigve Tjøtta (Seminar)

Week 47

22nd November (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Dominik Duell (Seminar)

Week 48

30th November (1)

Opening of the Citizen Lab (Event)

Week 49

6th December (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Kristin Strømsnes (Seminar)

Week 50

13th December (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Sigve Tjøtta (Seminar)


Week 02

10th January (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten and Marta Eidheim (Seminar)

Week 03

17th January (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Erla Løvseth (Seminar)

Week 04

24th January (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Sveinung Arnesen (Seminar)

Week 05

31st January (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Hiwa Målen (Seminar)

Week 06

7th February (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Bertil Tungodden (Seminar)

Week 07

14th February (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Lise Bjånesøy (Seminar)

Week 08

21st February (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Stefan Dahlberg (Seminar)

Week 10

7th March (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Irene Bloemraad (Seminar)

Week 11

14th March (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Quantitative text analysis in the lab (Seminar)

Week 12

21st March (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Runa Falck Langaas (Seminar)

Week 13

28th March (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Lina Hamre (Seminar)

Week 14

4th April (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Harteveldt and Kokkonen (Seminar)

Week 18

2nd May (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Kjersti Fløttum (Seminar)

Week 19

9th May (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Nathan Lee (Seminar)

Week 20

16th May (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Erik Knudsen (Seminar)

Week 21

23rd May (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Erik Sørensen (Seminar)

Week 22

30th May (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Gisela Böhm (Seminar)

Week 23

6th June (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Eirik Strømland (Seminar)

Week 24

13th June (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Marta Eidheim (Seminar)

Week 33

15th August (1)

DIGSSCORE at Arendalsuka (Event)
Starts - Event ends at 18.08.2017

18th August (1)

DIGSSCORE at Arendalsuka (Event)

Week 34

22nd August (1)

Tuesday lunch: Arendalsuka (Seminar)

Week 35

29th August (1)

Tuesday lunch: Centre Party and election 2017 (Seminar)

Week 36

5th September (1)

Tuesday lunch: Election 2017 (Seminar)

Week 37

12th September (1)

Tuesday lunch: Mikael Persson (Seminar)

Week 38

19th September (1)

Tuesday lunch: Endre Tvinnereim (Seminar)

Week 39

26th September (1)

Tuesday lunch: Hege Høivik Bye (Seminar)

Week 40

3rd October (1)

Tuesday lunch: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (Seminar)

Week 41

10th October (1)

Tuesday lunch: Gisela Böhm and Wouter Poortinga (Seminar)

Week 43

24th October (1)

Tuesday lunch: Rune Slothuus (Seminar)

Week 44

31st October (1)

Tuesday lunch: Matthew Kiragu Gichohi (Seminar)

Week 45

7th November (1)

Tuesday lunch: PROLEG (Seminar)

Week 46

14th November (1)

Tuesday lunch: Nina Serdarevic (Seminar)

Week 47

21st November (1)

Joint DIGSSCORE/FAIR seminar (Seminar)

Week 48

28th November (1)

Tuesday lunch: Andrea Fumarola (Seminar)

Week 49

5th December (1)

Tuesday lunch: Peter Dinesen (Seminar)

Week 50

12th December (1)

Tuesday lunch: Ivar Eimhjellen (Seminar)


Week 03

16th January (1)

Annika Rødeseike: Environmental risks and framing effects (Seminar)

Week 04

23rd January (1)

Kjersti Fløttum: Language and climate action (Seminar)

Week 05

30th January (1)

Jon Fiva: How electoral rules shape party systems (Seminar)

Week 06

6th February (1)

Effects of reasonable doubt clarifications on the evaluation of guilt (Seminar)

Week 07

13th February (1)

Lene Aarøe: How the behavioral immune system shapes anti-immigration attitudes (Seminar)

Week 08

20th February (1)

Erling Moxnes: What makes climate conferences effective? (Seminar)

Week 10

6th March (1)

Erik Knudsen: Why do we (dis)trust the news media? (Seminar)

Week 11

13th March (1)

Arnfinn Midtbøen: The persistence of ethnic and racial discrimination (Seminar)

Week 14

3rd April (1)

Marta Eidheim: Class, voting and redistribution (Seminar)

Week 15

10th April (1)

Susanne Bygnes: A collective sigh of relief (Seminar)

Week 16

17th April (1)

DIGSSCORE/FAIR-seminar (Seminar)

Week 19

8th May (1)

Anders Todal Jenssen: European Values Survey (Seminar)

Week 20

15th May (1)

IMEX: Making life work in a new place (Seminar)

Week 21

22nd May (1)

Hallgeir Sjåstad: Minding the future? (Seminar)

Week 22

29th May (1)

Mikael Hedne: Studying intuitive decision making (Seminar)

Week 23

5th June (1)

Birgit Kopainsky: Field experiments with farmers in Zambia (Seminar)

Week 24

12th June (1)

Jill Walker Rettberg: Machine vision in every day life (Seminar)

Week 36

4th September (1)

Aars, Arnesen and Christensen: The challenge from terrorism in the Nordic countries (Seminar)

Week 37

11th September (1)

Dr. Midori Aoyagi: Climate change risk perception in Asia (Seminar)

Week 38

Week 39

25th September (1)

Armèn Hakhverdian: Real but Unequal Representation in Welfare State Reform (Seminar)

Week 40

2nd October (1)

Yvette Peters: The Panel of Elected Representatives, round 1 (Seminar)

Week 42

16th October (1)

Katerina Linos: How Technology is Transforming Migration and Refugee Law (Seminar)

Week 43

23rd October (1)

Rasmus K. Rendsvig: First considerations on political bubbles (Seminar)

Week 44

30th October (1)

DIGSSCORE/FAIR-seminar (Seminar)

Week 45

6th November (1)

Lise Lund Bjånesøy: The propensity to vote for the nativist right – citizen response in open text (Seminar)

Week 46

13th November (1)

Paul Sniderman: Suspect loyalty: Challenges to Leadership of Muslim Minority Communities (Seminar)

Week 47

Week 48

27th November (1)

Adam Shehata: Internet Use and Political Interest: Growth Curves and Reinforcing Spirals During Adolescence (Seminar)

Week 49

4th December (1)

Sveinung Arnesen: Upward Representation Bias (Seminar)

Week 50

11th December (1)

Johan Martinsson: The Swedish Citizen Panel and the Laboratory of Opinion Research (Seminar)


Week 03

15th January (1)

Fairness preferences in the face of limited information: Thomas de Haan (Seminar)

Week 04

22nd January (1)

Two presentations from Fafo: On labor force and environmental protection in China (DIGSSCORE-seminar) (Seminar)

Week 05

29th January (1)

Tuesday lunch: Endre Tvinnereim and Håvard Haarstad (Seminar)

Week 06

5th February (1)

Åsta Nordø: Opinion Stability in Representative Democracies: making a Case for the Politically Coherent Citizen (Seminar)

Week 07

12th February (1)

Adriana Bunea: Consultation effects (ERC-project) (Seminar)

Week 08

19th February (1)

Stefaan Walgrave: Who are the politicians that sense what the people want? (Seminar)

Week 09

26th February (1)

Hanna Jones: Preliminary findings from a study of Norwegians’ perceptions of climate justice (Seminar)

Week 10

5th March (1)

Thea Gregersen: Worry about climate change: The role of mental models and political ideology (Seminar)

Week 11

12th March (1)

Pedro Magalhaes: Transparency, Policy Outcomes, and Political Support in Local Government (Seminar)

Week 12

19th March (1)

Linn Normand: Documenting the undocumented (Seminar)

Week 13

26th March (1)

Natalia Alvarado: The Quality of Government Datasets (Seminar)

Week 14

2nd April (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Erik Knudsen (Seminar)

Week 17

23rd April (1)

Mikael Johannesson: The amount of text for topic models (Seminar)

Week 18

30th April (1)


Week 20

14th May (1)

Xiaozi Liu: Informing socially sustainable afforestation strategies to mitigate climate change (Seminar)

Week 21

21st May (1)

Margit Tavits: Legacies of the Third Reich: Concentration Camps and Outgroup Intolerance (Seminar)

Week 22

28th May (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Behind the Norwegian Citizen Panel (Seminar)

Week 23

Week 38

17th September (1)

Linn Sandberg: Socially Mediated Issue Ownership, with a case study of the Swedish 2014 election (Seminar)

Week 41

8th October (1)

Amanda Kvarven: Does Meta-Analysis Promote Cumulative Science? A Resampling Approach (Seminar)

Week 43

22nd October (1)

Arild Ohren: Deliberative mini-publics as source of trust on sustainability issues (Seminar)

Week 44

29th October (1)

Fimreite and Aars: Listening to the people (Seminar)

Week 45

5th November (1)

Kari Steen-Johnsen: Terror, trust and political attitudes - insight from a comparative project (Seminar)

Week 46

12th November (1)

Kim Andersen: News Deserts and Local Political Knowledge (Seminar)

Week 47

Week 49

3rd December (1)

Miriam Metzger: What can credibility research teach us about fake news and how to combat it? (Seminar)

Week 50

10th December (1)

Hege Høivik Bye: Political Solidarity with Asylum Seekers: Effects of Information and Intergroup Contact (Seminar)


Week 06

4th February (1)

Ingar Haaland: Do People Value More Informative News (Seminar)

Week 07

11th February (1)

Marta Eidheim: The role of social class in economic distribution policy attitudes (Seminar)

Week 08

Week 10

3rd March (1)

Tuesday lunch seminar: Ingrid Faleide (Seminar)

Week 11

10th March (1)

Felicia Loecherbach: Mapping the mobile news diet – a lab-based approach to study news consumption (Seminar)

Week 12

17th March (1)

Cancelled: Tuesday lunch seminar: Alexander Ryan (Seminar)

Week 13

24th March (1)

Cancelled: DIGSSCORE/FAIR-seminar at NHH (Seminar)

Week 14

31st March (1)

Cancelled: Reto Wueest: Descriptive Misrepresentation by Social Class: Do Voter Preferences Matter? (Seminar)

Week 16

14th April (1)

Cancelled: Tuesday lunch seminar: Annika Fredén (Seminar)

Week 17

21st April (1)

Cancelled: Tuesday lunch seminar: Gissur Erlingsson (Seminar)

Week 18

28th April (1)

Cancelled :Tuesday lunch seminar: Sverker Carlsson Jagers (Seminar)

Week 20

12th May (1)

Cancelled: Tuesday lunch seminar: Pedro Riera Sagrera (Seminar)

Week 21

19th May (1)

Cancelled: Tuesday lunch seminar: Miles Hewstone (Seminar)

Week 22

26th May (1)

Cancelled: Tuesday lunch seminar: Mathew McCubbins (Seminar)

Week 36

1st September (1)

The Struggle for Inclusion: (Seminar)

Week 37

8th September (1)

Lars Erik Berntzen: On Conflict and Polarization (Seminar)

Week 47

17th November (1)

DIGSSCORE Research Assistants: Survey Piloting (Seminar)


Week 07

17th February (1)

Book Launch: Tax Justice and Global Inequality (Event)

Week 14

Week 34

25th August (1)

22 July 2011 at Ten: Commemoration and Commitment (Conference)
Starts - Event ends at 27.08.2021

27th August (1)

22 July 2011 at Ten: Commemoration and Commitment (Conference)

Week 36

7th September (1)


Week 38

Week 47

23rd November (1)

Benny Geys: Don’t Blame Me! (Seminar)


Week 07

15th February (1)

Responsibility for Climate Change Mitigation: Comparing Politicians and Citizens (Seminar)

Week 08

22nd February (1)


Week 10

8th March (1)

Behavioral neuroscience in political science and public administration (Seminar)

Week 11

15th March (1)

Geographic identities and affective polarization in Norway (Seminar)

Week 13

29th March (1)

The stigmatisation effect of the radical right on voters' assessment of political proposals (Seminar)

Week 14

5th April (1)

Data quality in (non-)probability online panels: What do we know? (Seminar)

Week 17

26th April (1)

Anti-muslim sentiment across the ideological spectrum: Evidence from a conjoint experiment (Seminar)

Week 18

3rd May (1)

From German Internet Panel to Mannheim Corona Study (Seminar)

Week 37

13th September (1)

Runa Falck: Public support for individual and government climate action (Seminar)

Week 38

20th September (1)

Stefan Dahlberg & Sofie Blombäck: Swedish Parliamentary Election 2022 (Seminar)

Week 39

27th September (1)

Representing climate policy preferences (Seminar)

Week 40

4th October (1)

Attitudes toward fossil fuel subsidy removal: A cross-country analysis on four continents (Seminar)

Week 41

Week 42

18th October (1)

Parliamentary Stayers in Western Democracies: Mind the Gender-Gap in Political Endurance. (Seminar)

Week 43

25th October (1)

Causes and Consequences of Generational Inequality in Political Representation (Seminar)

Week 44

1st November (1)

The Green Gender Gap: A study of gender differences in green ideology in Europe (Seminar)

Week 45

8th November (1)

Elastic Representation: Mikael Johannesson (Seminar)

Week 46

Week 47

22nd November (1)

Electoral expectations and strategic voting during the 2021 Storting elections (Seminar)

Week 48

29th November (1)

The Mainstreaming of the Far Right in Public Debates (Seminar)

Week 49


Week 06

Week 07

14th February (1)

DIGSSCORE seminar: Party-Interest Group Ties: The Resource Exchange Model Revisited (Seminar)

Week 11

14th March (1)

DIGSSCORE seminar: Beyond Policy: How Identity Politics Shape Group-Party Linkages (Seminar)

Week 21

23rd May (1)

DIGSSCORE seminar: Education, Political Efficacy and Informed Citizenship (Seminar)

Week 22

30th May (1)

DIGSSCORE seminar: The Party Branch and the Council Party Group: Who Governs? (Seminar)

Week 37

12th September (1)

Election special. First analyses of the results of the local elections 2023 (Event)

Week 38

19th September (1)

DIGSSCORE Seminar: Quantitative Text Analysis: From Bag-of-Words to Word Embeddings (Seminar)

Week 42

Week 46

14th November (1)

DIGSSCORE Seminar: Problem Importance across Time and Space (Seminar)

Week 47

21st November (1)

DIGSSCORE Seminar: Civil Society Elites in Europe (Seminar)

23rd November (1)

Turbulent decade: Trends from the Norwegian Citizen Panel (Seminar)
Registration deadline: Expired.

Week 48

28th November (1)

Signs of Violence: Semiotic Violence and the U.S. Capitol Insurrection (Seminar)

Week 49

5th December (1)

DIGSSCORE Seminar: Ideological alignment and turnover intention among civil servants (Seminar)

Week 50

12th December (1)

Seminar for DIGSSCORE and the Citizens and Democracy research group (Seminar)


Week 05

30th January (1)

DIGSSCORE Seminar: The Cost of Speaking Freely in a Liberal Democracy (Seminar)

Week 08

Week 12

19th March (1)

DIGSSCORE Seminar: Understanding the Green Gender Gap: The Role of Gender Identity (Seminar)

Week 14

Week 17

Week 18

30th April (1)

DIGSSCORE Seminar: Quantitative text analysis: from bag-of-words to word embeddings (Seminar)

Week 21

21st May (1)

DIGSSCORE Seminar: Four Arenas of Inequality Conflict (Seminar)