Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

The first week of the PhD course 'CCBIO903: Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects' was held from the 19th to the 22nd January.
The use of surgical checklists varies across European nations. Use of a checklist is associated with lower mortality shows a study lead by Ib Jammer at the Research group on Quality, Safety and Outcome after Surgery and Critical illness (ROSC).
Every year, the prestigious journal New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) announces the top ten most important publications within different fields of medicine. The list of 2014 in psychiatry was a positive news for the KGJN.
MIC is happy to announce our first course in Multimodal Imaging of small animals 16.-22. March 2015, covering theoretical and practical aspects of MRI, PET/CT, Optical Imaging and Ultra Sound. Registration is now open and we are limited to 12 participants.
This year is the 10th anniversary for the Research Presentations, and we hope as many as possible can attend.
A new ground-breaking textbook switches focus from the individual’s health perspective to the community’s participation in health management and promotion. CIH Professor is contributing to the book.
This years’ recruitment scholarship from Bergen Research Foundation (BFS) was awarded to Nils Halberg.
Pain in Dementia - Future directions. The COST action will meet in Bergen, Norway, to celebrate the 7th International Congress of Pain in Dementia, with the support by the University of Bergen, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Physiotherapy Research Group and Center for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine.
Researchers at The KGJ Centre for MS Research have published data from the EnViMS cooperation in Multiple Sclerosis Journal and results underlines the beneficial effect of sun exposure on MS risk.
Researchers at the KGJ Centre for MS Research have published a paper in Mol Cell Proteomics mapping the human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteome and the results are freely available via the new CSF Proteome Resource (http://probe.uib.no/csf-pr).
Kjell-Morten Myhr participated in a study published in September 2014 in Neurology, providing a guidance report to standardize the reporting of CSF biomarker studies in neurologic disorders.
Researchers at the KGJ Centre for MS Research have published an article in Multiple Sclerosis Journal on obesity as an risk factor for MS.
Researchers at KGJ Centre for MS Research has published an article on a case of therapy-resistant immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) after LDN use in a patient with MS in Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation.
Researchers from The KGJ Centre for MS Research have in Dec 2014 published an article in Proteomics whish describe challenges and solutions for visualizing proteomics data, from acquired spectra via protein identification and quantification to pathway analysis.
Health care workers on full sick leave due to MSDs have reduced function on self-reported and physically tested function, compared to those working despite MSDs, as well as when compared to those on partial sick leave. More knowledge about work ability in occupational sub-groups is needed
A review which summarize and discuss the status of the field CSF proteomics in MS, was in Dec 2014 published in Biochim Biophys Acta by researchers at the KGJ centre for MS research.
Bergen Abdominal Imaging Research Group presented at Radiological Society of North America, 2014
