Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

A review which summarize and discuss the status of the field CSF proteomics in MS, was in Dec 2014 published in Biochim Biophys Acta by researchers at the KGJ centre for MS research.
Bergen Abdominal Imaging Research Group presented at Radiological Society of North America, 2014
Centre for Pharmacy is happy to welcome award winning and innovative professor from UK top University to our team.
The Helse Vest Strategic Program has granted 15 mill NOK to CCBIO in collaboration with Helse Bergen and Helse Stavanger for the project “Personalized cancer therapy – biomarkers in clinical trials” (2015-2019). CCBIO recently also received funding for several individual projects: two with funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and three Helse Vest grants from Samarbeidsorganet.
PhD-candidate Olivier Keunen will defend his thesis “Hyperpolarized metabolic imaging - theoretical basis and promise within clinical glioma management”
We are thrilled to invite you to our ”Bioinformatics for Proteomics”-course to be held in beautiful Bergen April 21th – 24th at the Proteomics Unit at the University of Bergen (PROBE).
Great talks and delicious JULEGRØT! This is an invitation to Forskerskolens Networking Luncheon. Remember to sign up!
Svanes is one of the most cited lung health researchers in Norway. She was recently awarded the Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) award for her longstanding effort in asthma and COPD research.
On November 12th, the Norwegian Commission on Priority Setting in Health Care, handed over their report to the Norwegian Minister of Health, Bent Høie. The Commission is lead by Professor Ole Frithjof Norheim of Global Health Priorities, University of Bergen.
The CCBIO Research School's new PhD course on the Ethical, Economic and Social Aspects of Cancer Research, CCBIO 903, is open for enlistment.
The research group of Clive Bramham and collaborators have discovered a piece in the memory puzzle. They have just published their findings in the prestigious journal Cell Reports.
Copenhagen was hosting this years world congress by the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. Several researchers from our center was attending. Our center leader Jan Haavik had a lecture on functional studies, underscoring the importance of bringing a biological understanding to the underlying genetic factors. Tetyana Zayats presented results from her EU project on epigenetic factors in... Read more
Great talks and delicious food! This is an invitation to Forskerskolens Networking Luncheon. Remember to sign up!
Tom Eichele and Kenneth Hugdahl at the KGJN Center publishes a Neuroeconomics study in the prestigious journal PNAS. The study is a collaboration between the Functional MRI-group at UiB and the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). The study reveals centers in the brain involved in the computation of fairness.
5 of CCBIO's Principal Investigators received recently 9 million NOK in total from the Norwegian Cancer Society.
Forskningsprogrammet TRANSCAN (European Research Area Network on Translational Cancer Research) har nettopp offentliggjort sine tildelinger.
