Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

A large EU consortium got funding to integrated services for combatting current and future infectious disease outbreaks. BiSS is part of this consortium and offers fragment screening.
Elaheh Mahootchi is defending her dissertation on 31.3.2022 at the University of Bergen with the title "Characterization of the PLP-dependent decarboxylases GADL1 and CSAD".
Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen have a long-standing agreement to strengthen development-related research in Bergen. We now invite applications for collaboration between our two institutions for 2022-2023. Deadline 15 June, 2022.
The Nordic DIABESITY meeting held on March 9-11 at Solstrand (Norway) gathered top diabetes and obesity experts from Norway, Sweden and Denmark, as well as international scientists from abroad to discuss new approaches and ways of thinking for subsegmentation of diabetes and obesity.
Leading experts gather to discuss global health priorities. Do not miss the ISPH Conference from 28-30 April.
The Female Heart workshop takes place at Solstrand Hotel & Bad outside Bergen on May 19th and 20th 2022. The workshop is hosted by the Centre for Research on Cardiac Disease in Women at UiB and focuses on sex differences in cardiovascular risk and disease. The program includes lectures from key national and international researchers in the fields, and targeted group discussions for PhD... Read more
Researchers at Center for Diabetes Research, UiB, have found that the weight of babies is controlled by their genes. The findings provide insight into the mechanisms that control appetite and energy metabolism early in life and can help us find better treatment for obesity in adolescence and adulthood.
"We have discovered the key to growth during infancy and early childhood. This is important because it may give us answers to why some children develop obesity later in life", says professor and leader Pål R. Njølstad at Center for Diabetes Research.
We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow or possibly a highly-qualified PhD student for a 3-year project (with an option for an extension of one year) in my group at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (FBMM), University of Oulu, Finland. The overall aim of my group is to understand the molecular mechanism of malaria parasite gliding motility. For this, we use a wide variety of... Read more
Our group in Oulu was granted 72000 € from the Sigrid Jusélius foundation for the period 1.5.2022-30.4.2023. This is the first year of three, so the total amount will be 216000 € over three years. This secures the future of our group in Oulu in a rather difficult financial situation. We feel utmost gratitude for the almost continuous support we have received for our work on malaria from the... Read more
Dates: 10-12 March Ideas flowed and action points were shaped at the SFU writing seminar last week that took place at SCANDIC Flesland hotel. Student representatives were engaged in the entire process and contributed with valuable feedback and ideas that are being implemented in the SFU application.
This week, we have had the pleasure to welcome Léa Gelez as a trainee in our group in Oulu. Léa studies biology and biochemistry at the University of Lille in France and is currently doing an Erasmus exchange in Oulu. She will spend 8 weeks in our lab, learning and helping with actin mutagenesis and characterizing some interesting mutants.
In addition to the travel grant, this week brought us two other positive decisions for small-scale funding. We also got 60000 NOK for consumable costs from "Det alminnelige medisinske forskningsfond" of the UiB and Inari got 150000 NOK from the Meltzer Research Fund to be used for a sabbatical year, which hopefully will be granted for 2023. More on that later.
The course in "Complex Interventions" is now available on the Futurelearn platform. The course was previously an offer through the Norwegian PhD School of Pharmacy, which has funded the digitalization.
We’re so happy to have Lucia working with us in the Haavik lab this year. Check out her perspective on being a Fulbright Scholar.
